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Myriad are experienced in undertaking qualitative research and evaluation. Using a range of ethnographic and visual methods it is possible to create reports, evaluations and surveys. These outputs are widely accessible to a broad audience and communicate key findings in engaging ways.
Visual Anthropology
Visual anthropology is a broad discipline and can include a range of methods including those rooted in: documentary film, qualitative research and narrative filmmaking. One benefit of using visual methodologies is the ability to simultaneously collect data and communication material - invaluable in bridging the gap between data collection, synthesis and the communication of insights.
UNISDR Report Design, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2015
Co-founder Alexander Parkyn-Smith worked with the UNISDR Central Asia and South Caucasus team to design an engaging project output. The publication was produced in dual-language English and Russian versions.
A PDF of the full publication can be accessed here: Making Cities Resilient Campaign: Resilience of Cities in Disasters in Central Asia and South Caucasus (Image is of a mockup visualisation)

'I am not your cat', BEARR Trust, Ukraine, 2021
In 2021 co-founder Alexander Parkyn-Smith completed an assignment for BEARR Trust. This organisation 'focuses on health and social welfare issues, with particular emphasis on care of vulnerable groups and reform of the way the state deals with or looks after them' (BEARR trust website December 2022).
The assignment included interviewing members of Tolerspace, a previous small-grants award winner in Kyiv, Ukraine in 2021. The article included a series of photographs which were taken to illustrate scenes from a publication 'I am not your cat' - a graphic novel aimed at exploring the issues of sexual harassment and consent among young women.
The full article with photographs can be viewed on the BEARR Trust website.
Martin Parr Foundation, Bristol, UK, 2017-24
Producing visual content for the Martin Parr Foundation since 2017 has included: filming interviews, creating an archive of event films, delivering promotional films and managing a YouTube channel.
The main output is 'Sofa Sessions', an original YouTube series which has gained 450K views from the original content produced for the foundation – reaching a global audience.